API Manual

API defines the set of functions, to which developers can make requests and get responses. Interaction is carried out by means of HTTP.

All API method calls are GET or POST HTTP-requests to URL https://www.etxt.ru/api/json/ with a certain set of parameters, URL request must CERTAINLY contain 3 parameters stated below, i.e. method, token and sign should be transfered only by GET. You choose the method you need in the specification, users.getList, for instance, compose request in accordance with the method specification and implement this request. In response to the request you get its result, which is also described in the documentation to each function.

Request data can be transfered by means of query-line (after ? symbol) if GET method is used, or in POST-request body. Please, mind that in case of GET-request the parameters must be encoded by means of URL encoding.

Currently, API does not make distinctions between GET- and POST-requests. Nevertheless, please, mind that there is a limit for the size of URL-request - 2048 characters. For this reason we recommend implementing of requests for getting information by GET method (they usually fit the limit easily) and the requests for data change - creation/modification of an order - by POST method. Thus, size of a request will not be a limit for you, besides, such implementation corresponds better to the HTTP protocol specification.

Server response to a request returns in JSON format in Unicode character encoding.

Request parameters

Each request must include a set of mandatory parameters. Also the specification of each function contains optional parameters, needed for this function only. Text values of parameters must be passed in UTF-8 encoding. Parameters identical for all functions are listed below.

Name Type Description
method string name of called method, for instance, users.getList; mandatory parameter
sign string signature of request; mandatory parameter
token string API-key of current user

Sequence of parameters in a request is of no importance, sequence of parameters is important for signature calculation only.

API-key token is individual for each user, it can be found in "My profile/Interface settings" section.

Sign sign is calculated according to the algorithm stated below. Only parameters transfered by GET are signed.

Signature of request

All requests to API must be signed. It will serve to ensure that it was you who has sent the request, and not a malefactor using your application. You must submit the result of signature calculation in parameter sign sign. eTXT service will check the signature and satisfy the request only if it is correct.

Algorithm uses separate key, api_pass, that we strongly recommend you to keep only on your servers and use it only when the requests from your servers are sent to eTXT server. The key is set in "My profile/Interface settings" section.

sign = md5(params.md5(api_pass.'api-pass'))

Value params — is a concatenation of pairs "name=value" sorted in alphabetical order by "name", where "name" is a name of parameter, passed to the API function, «value» is the value of parameter. The separator is not used in concatenation. In signature calculation sign parameter is not taken into account, all the other request parameters are to be taken into account when calculation is made.

Scheme security is based on the fact that api_pass is known only to you and eTXT service. Never give the key to a third party. If you have any doubts the api_pass is safe, change it in your profile settings.

Example of PHP code

This code fragment creates a root folder in the project named "Folder name".

API functions

Function Description
categories.listCategories Function restores the list of subject categories of orders/articles
folders.listFolders Function restores the list of folders of current user
folders.addFolder Function creates folder for a current user
folders.moveToFolder Function moves objecs to the folder
users.getList Function restores the list of authors
users.getBW Function restores the list of users in Black and White lists of current user
users.getNote Function restores note to the indicated user
users.setNote Saving notes function to the specified user
users.getStats This function returns the user's statement data
users.getUser Function restores detailed information on indicated user
users.getWorks The function returns the types of work and minimum rates of the author for him
users.getReports Function restores references of indicated user
users.setReport The function adds/edits reference to the user
users.getUserBW Function restores the quantity of White and Black lists, the user is in
users.setUserBW Function adds a user to Black/White list or deletes him from it
users.getBalance Function restores personal account status of current user
tasks.listTasks Function restores the list of orders of current user, for client only
tasks.setClientComment The function of saving comments to your order, only for a customer.
tasks.viewNotes Function restores the list of applications and comments for the indicated order (or list of orders) of current user, for client only
tasks.viewNotesAll Function restores full list of applications of all orders of the client
tasks.setNote Function of acceptance the indicated application for order, for client only
tasks.unsetNote Function of rejection the indicated application for order, for client only
tasks.paidTask Function of accepting the order under checking, for client only
tasks.cancelTask Function of sending an order under checking on revision, for client only
tasks.getResults Function of getting results of the order, for client only
tasks.deleteTask Function of deleting an order in status of waiting for author or from draft, for client only
tasks.extraPaid Function of additional payment for task
tasks.saveTask Function of order adding/editing, for client only
tasks.failTask Function of canceling an expired order, for client only
tasks.copyTask Function of coping an order, for client only
tasks.setDeadline Function of prolonging the deadline (before draft publishing), for client only
tasks.saveComment Function of adding a comment to an order, only for client and appointed contractor
tasks.sendNoteFail Function of creation of application for author withdrawal from order
tasks_archive.listTasks Function of receiving list of orders from order archive, for client only
tasks_archive.getResults Function of getting results on archive order, for client only
options.getLangs Function of getting the list of languages used in the system
articles.getList Function of getting the list of ready articles displayed for sale
articles.buy Function accomplishes purchase of indicated article by current user
articles.getText Function prints on the screen texts of purchased articles for current user
articles.download Function creates zip archives containing texts and images of indicated purchased articles for current user
articles_archive.getList Restores the list of articles purchased by a user and transfered to the articles archives
articles_archive.getText Function prints on the screen texts of requested articles from the archives of current user
articles_archive.download Function creates zip archives containing texts and images of indicated articles from archives for current user
bwgroups.listGroups Function restores the list of groups for White/Black list of current user
bwgroups.saveGroup Function adds or changes a group for White/Black list of current user
bwgroups.deleteGroup Function deletes a group for White/Black list of current user
bwgroups.updateGroup Function transfers a user, added to White/Black list, to the indicated group of current user
messages.getList Function prints on screen unread system messages of the user
messages.setRead Function marks indicated unread system messages of the user as read ones
messages.setDelete Function deletes indicated unread system messages of the user
messages.readPrivate Function prints on screen messages from private communication with indicated user
messages.getCountUnread The function sends back the amount of unread private messages as groupped by their authors
messages.writePrivate Function sends a private message to the indicated user
rating.listTasksFails Function prints on screen list of order refusals for client
rating.ratingUserBack Function restores to author rating points taken according to a certain order
diff.compareText Function shows % of similarity of two texts
correction.add Function creates text proofreading task
correction.import Function creates proofreading task of texts from orders and articles

Possible errors to return

Error Description
no_params Mandatory parameter of function is missing or is incorrect
no_object Objects on request are not found
no_access Access to the requested action or object is absent
is_private_data Contact information is used in text parameter values
max_limit Excess of operation set limits
file_is_empty Empty file is received
file_not_uploaded Incorrect file upload
file_too_big The file size exceeds the allowable limit
file_bad_type Invalid file format
file_has_virus The file contains a virus

Such mistakes couls be individual in a given function.


Restores the list of subject categories of orders/articles, sorted by category name.

Field Description
id_category Category identifier
id_parent Parent category identifier
name Category name
keyword Category keyword


Restores sorted list of folders of current user.

Parameter Type Description
sort string date - sorting by creation date, name - by name (by default)
Field Description
id_category Folder identifier
id_parent Parent folder identifier
name Folder name
depth Nested folder depth
last Indicator if the folder is the last in nesting depth


Creates folder for a current user.

Parameter Type Description
name string Folder name (from 1 to 128 characters)
id_parent int Parent folder identifier 0 (by default) for root folder
Field Description
id_folder Folder identifier


Function moves objecs to the folder.

Parameter Type Description
id_folder string Folder identifier
type string Type of objects to be moved.


  • task - order
  • archive - order in archive
  • article - article
  • article_archive - article in archive
  • correction - correction
  • bhv_task - tasks
ids int (array) Array of identifiers of objects to be moved
Field Description
count Quality of moved objects


Returns the list of authors without sorting.

Parameter Type Description
count int Number of users in a selection, no more than 100 for one request (by default)
from int Shift from the last note in selection, 0 by default
rate_from int Filtration by rating, starting with the given value
rate_out int Filtration by rating, terminating with the given value
online int Indicator of the online status on the Exchange floor, 1 - online, 0 - offline, both by default
Field Description
id_user User identifier
login User login
fio User surname, first name, patronymic
description Additional information about user
country Country of user
city City of user
online User online status (1 - online, 0 - offline)
regdate User registration date, unixtime
rate User rating


Function restores the list of users in White and Black lists of current user.

Parameter Type Description
count int Number of users in a selection, no more than 100 for one request (by default)
from int Shift from the last note in selection, 0 by default
id_group int WL/BL group identifier, if not defined, the selection is done according to parameter type
type string List type (whiteList - white list, blackList - black), both by default
Field Description
id_user User identifier
id_group List group id
login User login
fio User surname, first name, patronymic
online User online status (1 - online, 0 - offline)
type List type (whiteList - white list, blackList - black)


Function restores note to the indicated user.

Parameter Type Description
id int User identifier, mandatory parameter
Field Description
id_user User identifier
text Text of note
date Date of the last change of note, unixtime


Saving notes function to the specified user.

Parameter Type Description
id int User ID, required parameter
text string Note to the user, not more than 1000 characters
Field Description
status Success flag of saving


This function returns the user's statement data.

Parameter Type Description
count int The number of selection’s records, not more than 100 per request (default)
from int Offset from the last record in the selection, default 0
date_from int Start date of sampling, unixtime
date_to int End data of sampling, unixtime
login string Search line by counterparty’s login, up to 15 characters
promo int Promo points flag statement (1 - promo points statement, 0 - account statement, default)
id_folder int Project folder Id
sub int Subfolder search option
Field Description
id Record ID
date Date of operation, unixtime
count Amount, rub.
balance Balance, rub.
operation Operation’s description
id_user_to Counterparty’s ID
comission Commission, rub.
id_folder Project folder Id


Function restores detailed information on the indicated user.

Parameter Type Description
id int User identifier, semi-mandatory parameter, has a priority over login parameter
login string User login, semi-mandatory parameter,can be indicated in case of absence of id parameter
Field Description
id_user User identifier
login User login
fio User surname, first name, patronymic
description Additional information about user
country Country of user
city City of user
online User online status (1 - on-line, 0 - offline)
regdate User registration date, unixtime
rate User rating
photo Path to user icon
group Name of user group
works Types of work, indicated by user, for author only
categories Categories, indicated by user, for author only
langs Languages, indicated by user, for author only
portfolio Number of works in portfolio, for author only
reports Number of positive reviews
reports_n Number of negative reviews


The function returns the types of work and minimum rates of the author for him.

Parameter Type Description
id int The user ID (author), required parameter
Field Description
works The associative array [id_type => (1 - copywriting, 2 - rewriting, 3 - translation, 4 - SEO copywriting), minprice => minimum price by (0 - unlimited)]. The key element coincides with the id_type.


Function restores references of indicated unblocked user. References are divided into two arrays - negative (negative references) and positive (positive references) and grouped by authors.

Parameter Type Description
id int User identifier, mandatory parameter
Field Description
id_author Reference author identifier
text Text of reference
date Reference date, unixtime


The function adds/edits reference to the user.

Parameter Type Description
id_user int The ID of the user for whom reference is given
id_report int The ID of the edited reference, the time for editing - 1 hour from the beginning of the publication
text string The text of the reference, 50-5000 characters
rate int Type of reference: 1 - positive (by default), 2 - negative
Field Description
id_report The ID of the created/modified reference
Value Description
is_timeout A timeout between adding references to 1 user - 1 day.
no_access No access to add a reference (the references option is blocked for current user or there are no shared works - orders, articles, etc).)


Function restores the number of White and Black lists, user is included in.

Parameter Type Description
id int User identifier, mandatory parameter
Field Description
id_user Identifier of user, for whom it is counted (iterates incoming parameter)
whiteList Number of users, having indicated user in their White list
blackList Number of users, having indicated user in their Black list


Function adds a user to Black/White list or deletes him from it.

Parameter Type Description
id int Added/deleted user identifier, mandatory parameter
id_group int White/Blacklist group identifier, if not identified then "without group"
type string Action type: whiteList - in White list, blackList - in Black, delete - delete from list
Field Description
id User identifier, the action is performed on (iterates incoming parameter)
type Name of the performed action


Function restores personal account status of current user.

Field Description
id Current user identifier
balance Total amount of money available in rubles on personal account
date Current date of request


Restores the list of orders of current user, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
count int Number of users in a selection, no more than 100 for one request (by default)
from int Shift from the last note in selection, 0 by default
id int Identifier of a specific order, only this order will be restored
id_user int Identifier of author appointed for order, if this parameter is indicated the filtration of orders by this field will be performed
id_folder int Project folder identifier (filtration by folder)
status int
Filtration by order status, all orders by default. If the status is "1", then additional filtration is applied on return of published results only (and not the drafts!)


  • 1 - waiting for author
  • 2 - in progress
  • 3 - under checking
  • 4 - completed
  • 5 - expired
filter int
Indicator of combined filtration, all orders by default. Excludes filtration by status (if particular parameter filter is indicated, then parameter status is ignored)


  • 10 - expired orders in progress, decisions on which have not been made yet
target int
Filter by access level order by


  • 1 - General order
  • 2 - Order fo White list
  • 3 - Individual order
only_id int If the indicator is set and has value 1, only ids of orders will be restored and not all data. Parameter is optional.
Field Description
id Order identifier
id_user Contractor identifier, if not appointed the value is 0
id_folder Folder identifier
id_category Category identifier
date Order creation/edition date, unixtime
end_date Order acceptance date, unixtime, if not accepted, then 0
title Order name
description Order description
id_type Order type (1 - copywriting, 2 - rewriting, 3 - translation, 4 - SEO-copywriting)
id_subtype Text type (0 - not specified, 1 - call-to-action text, 2 - article, 3 news/press release 4 - text for emails, 5 text for social networks, 6 - reference)
id_level Order difficulty level (0 - without qualification, 1- initial level, 2 - middle level, 3 - high level)
deadline Order deadline, unixtime
status Order status (1 - waiting for author, 2 - in progress, 3 - under checking, 4 - completed, 5 - expired)
public Order publication indicator (1 - to be published, 0 - not to be published)
price Order full price
price_type Type of order price (1 - for 1000 characters, 2 - for the whole order)
size Order size in characters
whitespaces Indicator of spaces registration (0 - spaces excluded, 1 - spaces included)
checksize Indicator of checking size of the result of the order (claim for not less then 90%) - (0 - not to be checked, 1- to be checked)
text Text of order
quick Indicator of order urgency (1 - urgent, 2 - not urgent)
uniq Claim of result uniqueness so that it can be automatically sent on revision, if the field is missing, then the parameter is not specified in the order
target Flag of access level of the order for author
id_target User identifier in case of individual order, if the field is missing, the order is not individual
keywords List of keywords for the type of order: "SEO-copywriting"
Target languages identifiers for the type of order: "Translation"
multitask Tick whether you make a multitask or not (1 - multiorder, 0 - standart order)
multicount Number of the rest of the tasks in 1 multitask (which you can create accepting author's application for multitask) when the number of tasks reaches 0, the multitask will stop being published automatically
filename The URL attached to the order file if it is not, then the field is missing
client_comment Комментарий заказчика


The function of saving comments to your order, only for a customer.

Parameter Type Description
id int Order ID, required
text string Customer comment, not more than 5000 characters
Field Description
status Success flag of saving


Function restores list of applications and comments to indicated order (or order's list) of current user, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id int (array) Order identifier (-s, 100 max), mandatory parameter
Field Description
id Comment identifier
text Text of application
date Application date, unixtime
id_user Identifier of comment/application author
login Login of comment/application author
id_note Application identifier, if the application is missing, i.e. the record is only a comment, the field value is 0
id_task Order identifier


Function restores full list of applications of all orders of the client.

Field Description
id_note Application identifier
title Order title
price Order price
deadline Deadline, unixtime
id_task Order identifier
id_user User identifier
user User login
date Application date, unixtime
text Application text


Function of accepting the indicated application for the order, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id int Identifier of application (not of a comment!), mandatory parameter
comment string Comment for accepted application, added at the end of order description, max 500 characters
Field Description
id_task Order identifier, in case if the application belongs to multi-order, then identifier of a newly created order, otherwise, the one for which the application is accepted
id_user Identifier of user, appointed by contractor upon the accepted application


Function of rejecting indicated application for order, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id int Identifier of application (not of a comment!), mandatory parameter
Field Description
id_task Identifier of order, the rejected application belongs to
id_user Identifier of user whose application was rejected


Function of accepting an order under checking, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ... ) Array of accepted orders identifiers of the form id[]=1&id[]=2, mandatory parameter
text string Comment to acception
Field Description
status Indicator of successful acceptance
ids Array of accepted orders identifiers


Function of sending an order to revision, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ... ) Array of rejected orders identifiers of the form id[]=1&id[]=2, mandatory parameter
text string Comment to rejection, mandatory, if 1 order is rejected and not a pack of orders, otherwise it is reset to 0
Field Description
status Indicator of successful acceptance
ids Array of rejected orders identifiers


Function of getting results of order, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of orders identifiers, mandatory parameter
Field Description
id Result identifier
id_task Order identifier
id_user Identifier of user sending the result
comment User comment to the result sent
date Date of turning in the result, unixtime
date_reset Date of sending result for revision, unixtime
status Result status (0 - under checking, 1 - rejected, 2 - accepted)
check Indicator of checking the result by the system (0 - not checked, 1 - checked)
files Array of result files, the links are available 24 hours approximately
per_keywords Percentage of indicated keywords included, for SEO-copywriting type of order only
per_mistakes Percentage of spelling mistakes detected by the system after checking in the internal dictionary
per_antiplagiat Text uniqueness percentage
per_diff Percentage of matching with the source text, for rewriting type of orders only, and if the source text is enclosed
auto_check_date Date of checking the result by the system, unixtime
name Enclosed document type
size Enclosed file size
path Path for downloading result, available approximately 24 hours after applying the request


Function of deletion of tasks that have status of waiting for author or from drafts, for clients only. Deletion of tasks during 1 week after the order was canceled is forbidden.

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of orders identifiers, mandatory parameter
Field Description
ids Array of identificators of deleted tasks


Function of additional payment for task.

Parameter Type Description
id int Task identifier
count int Sum of additional payment, can not be more than the price of the task * 3
note int Send notification to the author, by default 1 (1 - yes, 0 - no)
autopay string The surcharge calculation automatically, according to the number of exceeding characters from the last result (get - to surcharge calculation, pay - make a payment), the default surcharge is taken from the count parameter
Field Description
status Indicator of successful payment operation
count The amount of the supplement. Returns if set to autopay=get


Function of adding/editing an order, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id int Edited order identifier, if not indicated, a new order will be created
public int Indicator of order publication (0 - is not published, 1 - is published)
title string Order name, no more than 512 characters, mandatory parameter
description string Order description, no more than 10000 characters
text string Text of order, no more than 40000 characters (this field is meant for the source text - for types of orders Rewriting and Translation only)
price int Order price, mandatory parameter
price_type int Order price type (1 - for 1000 characters, 2 - for the whole order)
uniq int Claimed order originality, not specified by default
multione int 1 - when set the limit "one multi order for one client", 0 - no limit (by default)
locate int The option of placing text on the site, 1 - place the order required. 0 or not. No need by default
whitespaces int Indicator of space registration (0 - spaces excluded, 1 - spaces included)
only_stars int Indicator of author skill level regard (0 - without regard to skill level, 1 - with regard to skill level)
size int Order size in characters, mandatory parameter, if absent text
checksize int Indicator of registration of minimal size of turned in result equal 90% (1 - switched on and the texts with the size smaller that 90% of the indicated size of the order will not be accepted, 0 - switched off)
id_type int Order type identifier, by default 1 (copywriting)
id_subtype int Type text, optional parameter (0 by default). Values are: 1 - call-to-action text, 2 - article, 3 - news/press release 4 - text for emails, 5 - text for social networks, 6 - reference
deadline string Deadline in format dd.mm.yyyy, not more than 90 days
timeline string Deadline in format hh:mm
auto_work int Indicator of automatic acceptance of application in order (1 - automatic acceptance, 0 - no)
auto_rate int Rating for automatic acceptance of order, 0 by default
auto_reports int Number of positive references for automatic acceptance of order (not less than), 0 by default
auto_reports_n int Number of negative references for automatic acceptance of order (not more than), by default the parameter is missing, can be 0
auto_level int Identifier of skill level of author for automatic acceptance of order, by default 0 (without qualification)
id_category int Identifier of order category, mandatory field
multitask int Multi-order indicator (1 - multi-order, 0 - normal)
multicount int Number of multi-orders
id_folder int Identifier of order folder
target_task int Order availability indicator (1 - for everyone, 2 - for white list, 3 - individual order)
id_target int Identifier of user, for whom and individual order is placed, or of a white list group - if the order is being placed for a special group
keywords string List of key words separated by comma for the SEO-copywriting order type (4)
language_from int Source language identifier for the Translation order type (3)
language_to int Target language identifier for the Translation order type (3)
bwgroup_send int Indicator (1 - to be sent, 0 or not specified - not to be sent) of the notification to be sent to the group of White list when an order is placed for it (parameters target_task = 2, id_target = ID of a White list group)
file file The attached file
attestat int The order’s indicator is only for certified copywriters on the topic. (1 - Copywriters have passed a test to prove the topic knowledge and have professional education (Available for four thematic categories: 1. Medicine. 2. Construction. 3. Law and justice. 4. Accounting and finance.) 0 or not specified - no).
diplom int The order’s indicator is only for certified authors (1 - authors have uploaded and confirmed the diploma and it’s specialization is indicated in the profile. 0 or not specified - no).
Field Description
id_task Identifier of created or edited order
Value Description
no_utarget The user is not found or has blacklisted the customer/is blacklisted by the customer..
no_work Type of work or the price of the order does not meet the criteria of the author.


Function of canceling an expired order, for client only. Canceled order is impossible to delete, it will be kept for history for 2 weeks, at the end of which will be deleted automatically.

Parameter Type Description
id int Expired order identifier, mandatory parameter
copy int Indicator of creating a copy of canceled order, if indicated and value is 1, a published copy of order with the time limit set by the parameters presented below will be created
deadline string New deadline in format dd.mm.yyyy, by default - current time plus five 24 hour periods for a non-urgent order and 5 hours for the urgent one
timeline string New deadline in format hh:mm, 23:59 by default
Field Description
id Identifier of canceled order
id_copy Identifier of created copy of order, if copying is indicated
rateup Link for restoring author's rating


Function of coping an order, for client only. New order will be published and available for authors settings of automatic acceptance and multiorder are not copied.

Parameter Type Description
id int Identifier of copied order, mandatory parameter
deadline string New deadline in format dd.mm.yyyy, not more than 90 days, by default or in case it is incorrect - current time plus five 24 hour periods for a non-urgent order and 5 hours for an urgent one
timeline string New deadline in format hh:mm, 23:59 by default
Field Description
id_copy Identifier of created copy of order


Function of prolonging a deadline, for client only. If the order is expired, it will be returned into work.

Parameter Type Description
id int Order identifier, mandatory parameter
deadline string New deadline in format dd.mm.yyyy (25.10.2013), must not be shorter than the current one, but not more than 90 days mandatory parameter.
timeline string New deadline in format hh:mm (12:16), if not specified, then 23:59 by default, optional parameter
public int State of the draft: if 1, the draft will be published, otherwise the state will not change
Field Description
deadline Fixed deadline (date and time)
id Order identifier
status Current order status (for instance, was 5- expired, after prolonging will become 2 - in progress)
quick Order urgency indicator, 1 - urgent, 0 - not urgent


Function of adding a comment to an order, for client and appointed author only.

Parameter Type Description
id int Order identifier, mandatory parameter
text string Text of comment, max 2048 characters, mandatory parameter.
hide int Indicator for hiding a comment (1- comment to be hidden, 0 or absent - comment not to be hidden), optional parameter
Field Description
id Order identifier
id_comment Added comment identifier
comments Number of comments in an order


Function creates an application to Feedback for author withdrawal from order.

Parameter Type Description
id int Identifier of order from which the author is to be withdrawn, order must have status "Under checking" and current user must have at least one result turned in.
text string Text of application for withdrawal, reasons, mistakes.
Field Description
status Indicator of successful creation of application
ticket Link to the ticket created for the Feedback


Restores the list of orders in archives of current user, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
count int Number of users in a selection, no more than 100 for one request (by default)
from int Shift from the last note in selection, 0 by default
order string Way of sorting, possible values: desc, asc (by default)
id int Identifier of a specific order, only this order will be restored
id_folder int Project folder identifier (filtration by folder)
id_user int Identifier of author appointed for order, if this parameter is named, the filtration of orders by this field will be performed
Field Description
id Order identifier
id_user Contractor identifier, if not appointed, the value is 0
id_folder Folder identifier
id_category Category identifier
date Creation/edition date, unixtime
title Order name
description Order description
id_type Order type (1 - copywriting, 2 - rewriting, 3 - translation, 4 - SEO-copywriting)
id_level Order difficulty level (0 - without qualification, 1- initial level, 2 - middle level, 3 - high level)
deadline Order deadline, unixtime
price Order price
price_type Order price type (1 - for 1000 characters, 2 - for the whole order)
size Order size in characters
whitespaces Indicator of spaces registration (0 - spaces excluded, 1 - spaces included)
text Text of order
end_date Date of order acceptance, unixtime
date_archive Date of order transfer to the archives, unixtime
keywords List of key words for the type of order: "SEO-copywriting"
Target languages for the order type: "Translation"


Function of getting results on archive order, for client only.

Parameter Type Description
id int Order identifier, mandatory parameter
Field Description
id_task Order identifier
id_user Identifier of user who turned in the result
comment User comment to the turned in result
content Text of result
date Date of turning in the result, unixtime
date_reset Date of sending the result to rework, unixtime
check Array of parameters of checking the result by the system
files Array of result files, the links are available 24 hours approximately


Function of getting the list of languages used in the system.


The array is returned, where language identifier is the key and name of the language is value.


Returns the list of articles displayed for sale. Field "Article description" is not printed on the screen to avoid automatic withdrawal of all article descriptions.

Parameter Type Description
count int Number of articles in a selection, no more than 20 for one request (by default)
from int Shift from the last note in selection, 0 by default
id_user int Article author identifier for list filtering
id_category int Article category identifier for list filtering
subcat int The option to search in subcategories (1 - search in sub-categories, 0 - no, default)
id_subtype int Article type identifier for list filtering (from 1 to 10)
filter int Indicator for displaying the articles purchased by the current user, if 1 is indicated, then only the articles purchased by the current user will be selected, otherwise only articles for sale will be selected
basket int Articles withdrawal from the cart (1 or 0 (or missing)
id int Article identifier: only indicated article will be selected
text string (40) Bar for search by name, description, key words
text_type string What fields to search (title, description, key words) by default, all fields
price_from, price_to, price_type int Filtration by price, from... to, if parameter price_type (any value) is indicated, then search by price for 1000 characters
size_from, size_to int Filtration by text size, from... to
uniq_from, uniq_to int Filtration by article uniqueness, from... to
id_language int Filtration by article language, list of identifiers options.getLangs, if 0 or erroneous, then parameter is not taken into account
min_rate int Filtering by author’s minimum rating, the range from -1000 to 100,000
sort string Sorting of articles, values: relevancy (by relevance in case of text search), title (by name), price (by price), size (by size), uniq (by originality), date (by addition date - by default)
order string Order of article sorting, only with set parameter sort, value: desc (descending), asc (ascending)
Field Description
id Article identifier
title Article title
description The base64 encoded picture of the description of the article (the image format is png)
keywords Article key words
date Date of article addition, unixtime
date_buy Date of purchase of the article, unixtime (only for purchased, if filter=1)
id_type Identifier of text type of article
id_subtype Identifier of article type (1 - general article, 2 - news, 3 - description of product for Internet store, 4 - product review, 5 - recipe, 6 - workshops (needlework, handicraft, etc.), 7 - press release, 8 - essay, 9 - article for a site home page, 10 - lyrics (poems))
id_folder Purchased article folder identifier
id_category Article category identifier
id_user Author identifier
id_language Article language identifier
full_price Article price, commission for buyer included (including possible discount)
discount Discount size in percent
date_discount Date until which discount is available (including that date)
size Number of characters in article
images Number of images in article
unq, unq_shin Article uniqueness in % (result of rewriting method checking and result of copies method checking)
moder_check Indicator of article quality checking by (auto)moderator
moder_orph Spelling evaluation (1 - no mistakes, 0 - containing mistakes)
moder_punc Punctuation and grammar evaluation (1 - no mistakes, 0 - containing mistakes)
moder_style Stylistics evaluation (1 - no mistakes, 0 - containing mistakes)


Function accomplishes purchase of indicated article by current user

Parameter Type Description
id int Identifier of article to be purchased
Field Description
id Identifier of purchased article


Function prints on the screen texts of the requested purchased articles

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of purchased articles identifiers
Field Description
id Purchased article identifier
title Purchased article title
description Article description
text Text of purchased article


Function creates zip archives containing texts and images of indicated purchased articles for current user

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of purchased articles identifiers
Field Description
path Path for downloading ZIP archives


Restores the list of articles purchased by the user and transfered to archives.

Parameter Type Description
count int Number of articles for one selection, not more than 20 for request (by default)
from int Shift from the last note in selection, 0 by default
id_user int Article author identifier for list filtering
id_subtype int Article type identifier for list filtering (from 1 to 10)
order string Way of sorting, possible values: desc, asc (by default)
id_category int Article category identifier for list filtering
subcat int The option to search in subcategories (1 - search in sub-categories, 0 - no, default)
text string (40) Bar for search by name, description, key words
Field Description
id Article identifier
title Article title
description Article description
keywords Article key words
date Date of adding the article, unixtime
id_type Article text type identifier
id_subtype Article type identifier
id_category Article category identifier
id_language Article language identifier
full_price Article price, commission for buyer included
size Number of characters in article
images Number of images in article
quality Array of quality marks of article, if it was checked by (auto) moderator


Function prints on the screen texts of requested articles from the archives of current user

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of identifiers of archived articles
Field Description
id Article identifier
title Article title
description Article description
text Text of article


Function creates zip archives containing texts and images of indicated articles for current user

Parameter Type Description
id array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of identifiers of archived articles from archives
Field Description
path Path for downloading ZIP archives


Function restores the list of groups for White/Black list of current user.

Field Description
id_category Group identifier
id_parent Parent group identifier
name Group name
depth Nested group depth
last Indicator if the group is the last in nesting depth


Function adds or changes a group for White/Black list of current user.

Parameter Type Description
name string Group name up to 40 characters
id int Identifier of edited group, if not indicated, a new group will be created
id_parent int Parent category identifier, by default 0 is root
Field Description
id Identifier of created or edited group


Function deletes a group and all its subgroups from White/Black list of current user.

Parameter Type Description
id int Identifier of group to be deleted
Field Description
ids Array of identifiers of groups to be deleted


Function transfers a user, added to White/Black list, to the indicated group of current user.

Parameter Type Description
id_user int Identifier of user, already included in White/Black list, for transferring to another group
id_group int Identifier of group to transfer in, if 0 or not indicated, then is considered "without group"
Field Description
id_user Identifier of transfered user
id_group Identifier of group, user was transfered to
name Name of the group, user was transfered to, if the string is blank, it means that the user has been deleted from all groups


Function prints on screen unread system messages of the user. Maximum limit of messages is 100.

Parameter Type Description
from int Date, with which the messages are to be printed on the screen, unixtime
Field Description
id Message identifier
date Message date, unixtime
text Text of the message may contain HTML or BB formatting


Function marks indicated unread system messages of the user as read ones.

Parameter Type Description
ids array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of messages identifiers
Field Description
ids Array of marked messages identifiers


Function deletes indicated unread system messages of the user.

Parameter Type Description
ids array (int var1, int var2, ...) Array of messages identifiers
Field Description
ids Array of deleted messages identifiers


Function prints on screen messages from private communication with indicated user.

Parameter Type Description
id_user int User identifier, mandatory parameter
count int Number of messages for selection, maximum and by default 100
from int Shift, beginning with which selection is to be started, by default 0
date_from int Selection start date, unixtime
date_to int Selection end date, unixtime
unread int If 1 is indicated, then only unread messages are printed on screen, shown messages will be marked immediately as read
Field Description
date Message date, unixtime
text Text of message
id_author Identifier of message author
id_user Identifier of person you are writing to
reads Indicator of message reading, 1 - read, 2 - unread


The function sends back the amount of unread private messages as groupped by their authors.

Field Description
count Total amount of unread messages
users Array of associative pairs of values [id_author => user's identifier count => amount of unread messages]


Function sends private message to the indicated user. This option is available to users with rating higher than 10000. Timeout between messages is 1 minute.

Parameter Type Description
id_user int User identifier, mandatory parameter
text string Text of message, 10000 characters maximum
Field Description
id_user Identifier of user to whom the message is sent
text Text of message
time Time of sending, unixtime


Function prints on screen list of order refusals for client.

Parameter Type Description
id_task int Identifier of a certain order
id_user int Identifier of a certain author
back int Indicator of filtration by restitution status (1 - with restitution of rating points, 2 - without restitution, 0 - all, by default)
Field Description
id_task Order identifier
id_user Identifier of author
date Date of refusal, unixtime
date_back Date of rating points restitution, unixtime
back Indicator of rating points restitution
title Order name


Function restores to user rating points taken according to a certain order.

Parameter Type Description
id_task int Identifier of a certain order
id_user int Identifier of a certain author
Field Description
id_task Order identifier
id_user Author identifier
rate_back Number of rating points restored to user


Function shows % of similarity of two texts

Parameter Type Description
source string Source text (from 30 to 20000 characters)
text string Text for comparison (from 30 to 20000 characters)
Field Description
result % of similarity
text Result of comparison for text
source Result of comparison for source


Function creates proofreading task.

Parameter Type Description
title string Task title, mandatory parameter
description string Task description
text string Text for proofreading, mandatory parameter
id_folder int Task project folder identifier, by default 0
deadline string Deadline, date format dd/mm/yyyy, by default (min. possible) - 24 hours
timeline string Deadline, format hh/mm, 23:59 by default
Field Description
id Identifier of added task


Function creates proofreading task of texts from orders and articles.

Parameter Type Description
type string Object type ('task' - order 'a_task' - order from archive, 'article' - bought article, 'a_article' - bought article from archive), mandatory field
id_object int Object ID, mandatory field. NOTE, for object type 'task' it is necessary to indicate task result ID (not task ID itself))!
object_type string Object subtype, can have the only meaning 'file', that means attached file import priority, not text field (for example, when result from the order is imported, when author both attaches file and adds text in the text field)).
deadline string Deadline, date format dd/mm/yyyy, by default (min. possible) - 24 hours
timeline string Deadline, format hh/mm, 23:59 by default
Field Description
id ID of added task